Course Details


Organized by Ververica, the original creators of Apache Flink®, Flink Forward is THE conference dedicated to Flink and stream processing communities.

You can now watch every available session from Flink Forward Berlin 2024, the 10th Anniversary of Apache Flink, on-demand.

All videos are organized by track. Access each session by clicking “start,” or navigate to a specific session by clicking on the track under “learning topics”. 

Follow us on X @FlinkForward for updates

List of content
    About Flink Forward
    1. Background

    2. Flink Forward Sponsorship

    3. Flink Forward 2025
  1. Flink Forward Opening Sessions
    1. Opening Session - Full Length

    2. Opening Session - Introduction

    3. Opening Session - The Past - History of Apache Flink

    4. Opening Session - The Present - Current Ververica Customer Panel

    5. Opening Session - The Present - Partner Panel

    6. Opening Session - The Future - Announcing Apache Flink 2.0

    7. Opening Session - The Future - Introducing Ververica's Bring Your Own Cloud Deployment

    8. Opening Session - The Future - Introducing Fluss

    9. Opening Session - Wrap Up
  2. Technology Deep Dive Breakout Track Sessions
    1. Spoiler Alert: Revealing the Secrets of Apache Flink 2.0

    2. Automate Apache Flink Tuning for Highly Elastic Scaling

    3. ‘State’ the obvious: Using Apache Flink’s State Processor API to deal with nutty issues

    4. Visually Diagnosing Operator State Problems

    5. Zero Interference and Resource Congestion in Flink Clusters with Kafka Data Sources

    6. From Apache Flink to Restate - Event processing for analytics and Transactions

    7. VERA: The Engine Revolutionizing Apache Flink

    8. Enabling Flink's Cloud-Native Future: Introducing ForSt DB in Flink 2.0

    9. Testing Flink SQL Scripts: Simplifying Development for Non-Developers

    10. Building Copilots with Flink SQL, LLMs and vector databases

    11. Materialized Table - Making Your Data Pipeline Easier

    12. Data Lineage for Apache Flink with OpenLineage
  3. Use Cases Breakout Track Sessions
    1. Customize Flink for Pinterest User Cases at Scale

    2. Building a Streaming-First Platform: Tools and Lessons from Our Flink Migration Journey

    3. Scaling Flink in the Real World: Insights from Running Flink for five years at Stripe

    4. Streamlining Real-Time Data Processing at Uber with Protobuf Integration

    5. Flink & Metered Billing - a reprocessing story

    6. Flink Is All You Need (for a Digital Bank)

    7. Driving the Future: Leveraging Apache Pulsar and Flink for Real-Time Vehicle Profile Management

    8. Real-Time Incident Monitoring for Smart Access Devices: An IoT Use Case

    9. From the Pitch to the Pub - Lessons Learned from Distributing Streaming Data in the Sports Industry

    10. Streaming Up the River: Leveraging Flink to Prevent Ship Groundings in Rivers and Ports

    11. Flink for Energy and Commodities trading business

    12. Implementing Event Tracing in Flink Applications
  4. Technology Deep Dive, Flink CDC Breakout Track Sessions
    1. Transforming Your APIs Into Business Gold – Architecting a Real-Time API Usage Analytics Platform

    2. Flink Autoscaling: A Year in Review - Performance, Challenges, and Innovations

    3. Is Kafka the Best Storage for Streaming Analytics?

    4. Real-Time, Real Simple: Getting Started with Flink CDC

    5. Exploring Scenarios of Flink CDC in Streaming Data Integration

    6. Apache Paimon + Flink: Build Streaming Pipeline on Lakehouse

    7. Cost-Effective Streaming Pipelines with Apache Paimon

    8. Low latency Change Data Capture (CDC) to your data lake, using Apache Flink and Apache Paimon

    9. Unleashing Potential:'s Complete Adoption of Apache Flink

    10. Intesa Sanpaolo’s Journey to Cloud – is Batch processing still relevant?

    11. Flink at Intesa Sanpaolo: Streamlining Customer Data Integration with Change Data Capture

    12. Comparing Apache Flink and Spark for Modern Stream Data Processing

    13. Leveraging ML Forecast Models for Predictive Resource Provisioning in Flink Applications
  5. Mainstage Expert Sessions
    1. The Zeitgeist of AI Requires Streaming Data Platforms

    2. AI and Apache Flink: Expert Panel

    3. Apache Flink PMC's Panel
  6. Sponsor Special Sessions
    1. The Lineage Flink Really Needs: Debugging Real-Time Policy Violations

    2. Cloudera Presents its Overview of Solutions

    3. Vector Database Ingestion with PyFlink on Decodable

    4. Piping Kafka Topics to Iceberg Tables with No Code

    5. Evoura's Method to Unleash the Power of your Data
  7. Flink Forward Closing Session
    1. Closing Session - Full Length

    2. Closing Session - Ververica's Unified Streaming Data Platform