Course Details
Introduction to Apache Flink SQL
This course is for data engineers and those interested in writing Flink applications and data streaming pipelines without Java or Scala.
Apache Flink

This is a great foundational course for those new to Flink SQL and who want to learn what Flink offers for developing streaming applications. Learners will acquire a solid understanding of the power and popularity of Flink SQL. Learners will also be introduced to Ververica Products and the benefits it brings when working with Flink SQL.

  • Module 1:  Introduction to Flink’s Relational APIs
  • Module 2:  Dynamic Tables
  • Module 3:  Queries and Time
  • Module 4:  Dynamic Table Joins
  • Module 5:  Changelog Streams and Change Data Capture

This course takes approximately 35 minutes. 

Prerequisite Recommendation

If you are new to Apache Flink, we recommend that you take our Introduction to Stream Processing and Apache Flink course first.

Learning Topics
    Course Introduction
    1. Welcome to Ververica Academy
  1. Introduction to Apache Flink SQL
    1. Course Overview

    2. Glossary of Terms
  2. Module 1: Introduction to Flink’s Relational APIs
    1. Module 1: Overview

    2. Module 1: Introduction to Flink’s Relational APIs

    3. Module 1: Quiz

    4. Module 1: Appendix

    5. Module 1: Transcript
  3. Module 2: Dynamic Tables
    1. Module 2: Overview

    2. Module 2: Dynamic Tables

    3. Module 2: Quiz

    4. Module 2: Transcript
  4. Module 3: Queries and Time
    1. Module 3: Overview

    2. Module 3: Queries and Time

    3. Module 3: Quiz

    4. Module 3: Transcript
  5. Module 4: Dynamic Table Joins
    1. Module 4: Overview

    2. Module 4: Dynamic Table Joins

    3. Module 4: Quiz

    4. Module 4: Transcript
  6. Module 5: Changelog Streams and Change Data Capture
    1. Module 5: Overview

    2. Module 5: Changelog Streams and Change Data Capture

    3. Module 5: Quiz

    4. Module 5: Appendix

    5. Module 5: Transcript
  7. Wrapping Up
    1. Course Completion
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